পলিটেকনিক এর ডিপ্লোমা কোর্সে ভর্তির জেক্সপো পরীক্ষার ফর্ম ফিল আপ শুরু
স্কিল বেঙ্গল ডেস্কঃ রাজ্যের মোট ১৫২ টি পলিটেকনিক কলেজের ডিপ্লোমা কোর্সে ভর্তির জেক্সপো পরীক্ষার ফর্ম ফিল আপ শুরু হল। প্রসঙ্গত, ENGINEERING / TECHNOLOGY / ARCHITECTURE বিষয়ের ডিপ্লোমা কোর্সের প্রথম বর্ষে ভর্তির যোগ্যতা নির্ণয় করা হয় এই পরীক্ষার মাধ্যমে।
এই পরীক্ষায় পাশ করলে অ্যাকাডেমিক সেশন ২০২১-২০২২ এ ভর্তির সুযোগ পাওয়া যাবে। পরীক্ষার ফর্ম ফিল আপ করতে হবে অনলাইনে ৩০ জুন ২০২১ এর মধ্যে কারিগরি শিক্ষা বিভাগের অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটে। ওয়েবসাইটের ঠিকানা https://webscte.co.in/।
অপশনাল / অ্যাডিশনাল বিষয়ের নম্বর বাদ দিয়ে মোট কমপক্ষে ৩৫% নম্বর নিয়ে মাধ্যমিক পাশ। অন্যান্য বিষয়ের সঙ্গে English, Mathematics and Physical Science / Science / Science & Technology বিষয় মাধ্যমিকে অবশ্যই থাকতে হবে। এই বছরের মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার্থীরাও আবেদনের যোগ্য। তবে অপশনাল / অ্যাডিশনাল বিষয়ের নম্বর বাদ দিয়ে মোট কমপক্ষে ৩৫% নম্বর না পেলে জেক্সপো পরীক্ষায় পাশ করলেও কলেজে ভর্তির সুযোগ মিলবে না।
জন্ম তারিখ হতে হবে ০১/০৭/২০০৬ এর আগে। বয়সের কোনও উর্দ্ধসীমা নেই।
আবেদনের পদ্ধতি
আবেদন করতে হবে অনলাইনে ৩০ জুন ২০২১ এর মধ্যে কারিগরি শিক্ষা বিভাগের অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটে। ওয়েবসাইটের ঠিকানা https://webscte.co.in/। আবেদনের ফি ৪৫০ টাকা জমা করা যাবে Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card / UPI এর মাধ্যমে। বৈধ কন্যাশ্রী পরীক্ষার্থীদের ক্ষেত্রে আবেদনের ফি ২২৫ টাকা। মনে রাখবেন অনলাইনেই আবেদন করা যাবে। কোনোভাবেই অফলাইনে বা অফিসে গিয়ে আবেদনপত্র গ্রহণ করা হবে না।
পরীক্ষা কেন্দ্র
উত্তর কলকাতা, দকশিন কলকাতা, পূর্ব বর্ধমান, পূর্ব মেদিনীপুর, জলপাইগুড়ি, পশ্চিম বর্ধমান, আলিপুরদুয়ার, মধ্য কলকাতা, নদিয়া, ঝাড়গ্রাম, কোচবিহার, উত্তর ও দকশিন ২৪ পরগণা, মুর্শিদাবাদ, মালদা, কালিম্পং, বীরভূম, উত্তর ও দক্ষিণ দিনাজপুর, হাওড়া, বাঁকুড়া, হুগলী ও পুরুলিয়া।
পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী ও অ্যাডমিট কার্ড
পরীক্ষা কবে নেওয়া হবে তা খুব শীঘ্রই ওয়েবসাইটে বিজ্ঞপ্তি দিয়ে জানিয়ে দেওয়া হবে। আমাদের স্কিল বেঙ্গল এর ওয়েবসাইট ( https://www.skillbengal.com/ ) বা আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ (https://www.facebook.com/skillbengalofficial) লাইক দিয়ে ফলো রাখুন, ওখানে আমরাও জানিয়ে দেব।
অ্যাডমিট কার্ড ডাকের মাধ্যমে বা অন্য কোনও উপায়ে পরীক্ষার্থীদের বাড়িতে পাঠানো হবে না। অ্যাডমিট কার্ড ওয়েবসাইট থেকে ডাউনলোড করে নিতে হবে। প্রিন্ট করা ই-অ্যাডমিট কার্ড ই বৈধ বলে বিবেচিত হবে।
পরীক্ষার সিলেবাস
মাধ্যমিক ২০২১ এর সংশোধিত সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী ম্যাথ ও ফিজিক্স এর প্রশ্ন হবে। এই বিষয়ে বিস্তারিত তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটে। বিস্তারিত সিলেবাস এই লেখার শেষে রয়েছে।
স্বীকৃত পলিটেকনিক কলেজের তালিকা
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
List of Government and Government Sponsored Diploma in Engineering / Technology / Architecture Institutes |
1 |
Adyapeath Annada Polytechnic College (Govt.Sponsored), 50 D.D.Mondal Ghat Road, Dakshineswar, Kolkata-700076. Phone - (033) 2564-5566, 9474135922 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
2 |
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Devalaya, Berachampa Dist.-North 24 Parganas, PIN-743424. Phone - (03216) 242227 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
- |
Available |
3 |
Sir Rajendra Nath Mukherjee Govt. Polytechnic [Erstwhile Basirhat Government Polytechnic] (Govt.) Sir R. N. Mukherjee Road, P.O.-Bhyabla, Basirhat, Dist.- North 24-Parganas, PIN – 743422. Phone – (03217) 268111 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Renewable Energy |
- |
- |
4 |
Birla Institute of Technology (Govt.) 56, B. T. Road, Kolkata - 700 050. Phone: (033) 2557-6742 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Packaging Technology |
- |
Available |
5 |
Gaighata Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Vill - Debipur, P.O.-Chandpara, P.S.-Gaighata, Dist.- North 24 Parganas, PIN-743245. Phone - (03215) 250393 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
6 |
North Calcutta Polytechnic (Govt.) 15, Gobinda Mondal Lane, Kolkata - 700 002. Phone - (033) 2557-2585 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Architecture |
- |
- |
7 |
Ramakrishna Mission Shilpapitha (Govt.Sponsored) Belgharia, Kolkata - 700056. [only for Boys] Phone - (033) 2541-1650
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
- |
x |
8 |
Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Roy Polytechnic (Govt.) 188, Raja S. C. Mallick Road Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700 032. Phone: (033) 2414-6241 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,Computer Science & Technology and Food Processing Technology |
- |
- |
9 |
Baruipur Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.–Mallickpur, P.S.-Baruipur, Dist.-South 24 Parganas, PIN-700145. Phone: (033) 2701-7506 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
10 |
Canning Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Vill. & P.O. - Narayanpur, P.S. - Jibantala, Dist. - South 24 Parganas, PIN – 743363 (Near Gourdaha Railway Station). |
24 Parganas (South) |
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Renewable Energy |
- |
- |
11 |
Central Footwear Training Centre (Govt.) Budge Budge, 24 Parganas(S), PIN - 700 138. Phone - (033) 2482-0453 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Footwear Technology and Leather Goods Technology |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
12 |
Diamond Harbour Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Ward No. – 16, Diamond Harbour Municipality, P.O. - Diamond Harbour, Dist.– South 24 Parganas, PIN – 743331. Phone-- 03174-215050 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil, Mechanical Engineering and Food Processing Technology |
- |
- |
13 |
Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic (Govt.) 7, Mayurbhanj Road, Kolkata - 700 023. Phone - (033) 2449-6015 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
- |
Available |
14 |
The Regional Institute of Printing Technology (Govt.) Raja S.C.Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata – 700032. Phone- (033) 2414-6432 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Multimedia, Printing Technology and Photography |
Available |
- |
15 |
Women’s Polytechnic (Govt.) [only for Girls] 1/1/2, Gariahat Road, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata-700068. Phone - (033) 2473-6448 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Architecture, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
x |
Available |
16 |
Falakata Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Falakata, Dist.- Alipurduar, PIN - 735 211. Phone - (03563) 260642 |
Alipurduar |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Enginering and Food Processing Technology |
- |
- |
17 |
Bankura Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Kalapathar, Dist.- Bankura, PIN-722146. Phone – (033) 2340 3772 |
Bankura |
Electrical, Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineering |
- |
- |
18 |
K.G. Engineering Institute (Govt.) Bishnupur, Dist. - Bankura, PIN - 722 122. Phone - (03244) 252030 |
Bankura |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
19 |
Raipur Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Siromonipur, P.S.- Raipur, Dist. – Bankura, PIN – 722134. |
Bankura |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
20 |
Asansol Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.-Dakshin Dhadka, Asansol, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman , PIN - 713 302. Phone - (0341) 2270053 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Mining Engineering and Mine Surveying |
Available |
Available |
21 |
Harasankar Bhattacharya Institute of Technology & Mining (Govt.) Midnapore Road, Girjapara, P.O. & P.S.-Raniganj, Dist - Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713 347. Phone - (0341) 2444196 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Survey Engineering |
- |
Available |
22 |
Kanyapur Polytechnic (Govt.) Kanyapur, Senrailh Road, P.O.- Ramkrishna Mission, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713305. Phone - (0341) 2253373 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
- |
23 |
Nazrul Centenary Polytechnic (Govt.) Hindustan Cables, Rupnarayanpur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713335. Phone - (0341) 2532829 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (Production) |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
24 |
Bengal Institute of Technology (Govt. Sponsored) Katwa, Jajigram Industrial Complex, Dist- Purba Bardhaman, PIN-713130. |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Automobile Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Information Technology |
Available |
- |
25 |
Kalna Polytechnic (Govt.) Shyamganjpara, P.O.- Kalna, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN -713409. Phone – (033) 2340 3779 |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Civil, Electronics & Telecommunicationn Engineering and Computer Scince & Technology |
- |
Available |
26 |
M.B.C. Institute of Engineering & Technology (Govt.) Sadhanpur, P.O.- Burdwan, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN – 713101. Phone - (0342) 2625597 |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
27 |
Memari Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Uttar Kailashpur, L.N.T Math, Block-I, Memari, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN-713401. Phone - (0342) 2250250. |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Automobile, Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
28 |
Murarai Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Vill. & P.O.- Bon Mohurapur, P.S.- Murarai, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN - 731222. |
Birbhum |
Electronics & Communication Engineering, Survey Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
29 |
Nalhati Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Nalhati, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731243. |
Birbhum |
Automobile, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
30 |
Haji Md. Serafat Mondal Government Polytechnic Vill.- Pabuidighi, P.O.- Ningha, (Govt.) Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731202. Phone - (033) 2340 3762, 9732323410 |
Birbhum |
Civil, Electrical and Survey Engineering |
- |
- |
31 |
Sree Ramkrishna Silpa Vidyapith (Govt.) P.O. - Suri, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731101. Phone - (03462) 255571. |
Birbhum |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
32 |
Cooch Behar Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O. & Dist. – Cooch Behar, PIN - 736101. Phone - (03582) 222510. |
Cooch Behar |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
33 |
Mathabhanga Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Sitai More, Mathabhanga, Dist. - Cooch Behar, PIN – 736146. Phone – (03583) 255005 |
Cooch Behar |
Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Packaging Technology |
- |
- |
34 |
Tufanganj Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Chamta, P.O. - Tufanganj, Dist. – Cooch Behar, PIN - 736159. Phone – (03582) 244466. |
Cooch Behar |
Civil, Mechanical and Survey Engineering |
- |
- |
35 |
Gangarampur Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Kadighat, P.O. – Belbari, Dist.-Dakshin Dinajpur, Pin – 733 124. Phone-- 03521-214103 |
Dakshin Dinajpur |
Civil, Mechanical and Survey Engineering |
- |
- |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
36 |
Hilli Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Teor, P.S.- Hilli, Dist.- Dakshin Dinajpur, PIN-733145. |
Dakshin Dinajpur |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- |
- |
37 |
Siliguri Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Debgram, Siliguri, Dist.- Darjeeling, PIN – 734406. Phone - (0353) 2596277 |
Darjeeling |
Architecture, Civil, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Computer Science & Technology. |
- |
Available |
38 |
Arambagh Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Chandur, P.S.-Arambagh, Dist.- Hooghly, PIN – 712602. Phone – (033) 2340-3765 |
Hooghly |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- |
- |
39 |
Hooghly Institute of Technology (Govt.) Pipulpati, P.O. & Dist.- Hooghly, PIN- 712103. Phone - (033) 2680-2065 |
Hooghly |
Chemical, Civil, Elctrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
- |
40 |
West Bengal Survey Institute (Govt.) P.O. - Bandel, Dist.-Hooghly, PIN-712123. Phone-(033) 2631-2588 |
Hooghly |
Civil, Survey Engineering and GIS & GPS |
Available |
Available |
41 |
Women’s Polytechnic (Govt.) [only for Girls] 4, Strand Road, Chandannagar, Hooghly-712136. Phone -(033) 2683-7791 |
Hooghly |
Architecture, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
x |
Available |
42 |
Engineering Institute for Junior Executives (Govt.) M.B. Road, P.O.-Dalalpukur, Dist. - Howrah, PIN-711 104. Phone - (033) 2667-8222 |
Howrah |
Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
- |
- |
43 |
Jalpaiguri Polytechnic Institute (Govt.) P.O.- Danguajhar, Dist - Jalpaiguri, PIN-735121. Phone - (03561) 256474 |
Jalpaiguri |
Civil, Elctrical, Mechanical and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
44 |
Maynaguri Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.-Domohani, P.S.- Maynaguri, Dist. - Jalpaiguri, PIN – 735302, Phone - (03561) 234010. |
Jalpaiguri |
Civil Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering and Survey Engineering |
- |
- |
45 |
Rajganj Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Prasannagar, P.S.- Rajganj, Dist.- Jalpaiguri, PIN – 735133. |
Jalpaiguri |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
46 |
Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Sevayatan, P.S.- Jhargram, Dist.- Jhargram, PIN - 721514. Phone - (033) 2340-3780 |
Jhargram |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metaiiurgical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
47 |
Raja Ranjit Kishore Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O. - Ramgarh, P.S. – Lalgarh, Dist.- Jhargram, PIN–721128. Phone - (03221) 201471 |
Jhargram |
Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
48 |
Behala Government Polytechnic (Govt.) 756, Upendra Nath Banerjee Road, Behala, P.S.- Parnasree, Kolkata – 700060. Phone - (033) 24077122 |
Kolkata |
Computer Science & Technology, Interior-Decoration and Cyber Forensics & Information Security |
- |
- |
49 |
Central Calcutta Polytechnic (Govt.) 21, Convent Road, Kolkata - 700 014. Phone - (033) 2265-5508 |
Kolkata |
Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & |
- |
- |
50 |
The Calcutta Technical School (Govt.) 110, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 700 013. Phone-(033) 2249-9550/4413 |
Kolkata |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
51 |
Kaliachak Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Kalikapur Bandh, P.O.- Bahadurpur, P. S.- Kaliachak, Block: Kaliachak – I, Dist.- Malda, PIN – 732201. Phone – (033) 2340 3756 |
Malda |
Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Information Technology |
- |
- |
52 |
Malda Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Maliha, Dist.- Malda, PIN - 732 102. Phone - (03512) 278301 |
Malda |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Food Procesing Technology |
Available |
- |
53 |
S. N. Bose Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Ratua, Matiganj, P.O.– Samsi, Dist. – Malda, PIN – 732139. Phone – (03513) 265065 |
Malda |
Architecture, Civil and Electrical Engineering |
- |
- |
54 |
Jangipur Government Polytechnic (Govt) P.O.- Raghunathganj, P.S.- Raghunathganj, Sub-Division - Jangipur, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN– 742225. Phone – (03483) 26619 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering |
- |
- |
55 |
Murshidabad Institute of Technology (Govt.) Berhampore, P. O.- Cossimbazar Raj, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN-742102. Phone-(03482) 252196 / 256899 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Agricultural Engineering |
Available |
Available |
56 |
Shaikhpara Abdur Rahaman Memorial Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Sheikpara, Dist.-Murshidabad, PIN-742409. Phone: (03481) 242167 / 8695752485 |
Murshidabad |
Food Processing Technology, Computer Software Technology and Medical Laboratory Technology |
Available |
Available |
57 |
B.P.C. Institute of Technology (Govt.) P.O.- Krishnagar, Dist – Nadia, PIN - 741 101. |
Nadia |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
58 |
Gayespur Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Gayespur, P.S.- Kalyani, Dist.- Nadia, PIN – 741234. Phone - 033-2589-0036 |
Nadia |
Civil, Mechanical and Survey Engineering |
- |
- |
59 |
Mirmadan Mohanlal Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Vill-Gobindapur, P.O.- Plassey, Dist.-Nadia, PIN-741156. |
Nadia |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Food Processing Technology and Survey Engineering |
- |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
60 |
Ranaghat Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Ranaghat, P.S.- Ranaghat, Dist.- Nadia, PIN - 741201.
Nadia |
Automobile, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
61 |
Babasaheb Ambedkar Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Betai, P.S.- Tehatta, Dist.- Nadia, PIN – 741163. Phone-- 03471-254254 |
Nadia |
Civil and Electrical Engineering |
- |
- |
62 |
Ghatal Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Konnagar, P.O.- Ghatal, P.S.- Ghatal, Dist.- Paschim Medinipur, PIN – 721212. |
Paschim Medinipur |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
63 |
Medinipur Sadar Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Vill.- Khasjungle, P.O.- Abas, P.S.- Kotwali, Midnapore, Dist.- Paschim Medinipur, PIN – 721102. Phone – (033) 2340 3770 |
Paschim Medinipur |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
64 |
Sidhu Kanhu Birsa Polytechnic (Govt.) Keshiary, Dist.- Paschim Medinipur, PIN – 721 133. Phone – (03223) 205020 |
Paschim Medinipur |
Civil and Electrical Engineering |
- |
- |
65 |
Contai Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Darua, P.S. - Contai, Dist - Purba Medinipur, PIN-721401. Phone - (03220) 255462 |
Purba Medinipur |
Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering an d Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
66 |
Dr. Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology (Govt.) P.O.- Debhog, Haldia, Dist.-Purba Medinipur, PIN-721657 Phone- (03224) 253064 |
Purba Medinipur |
Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering |
Available |
Available |
67 |
Kolaghat Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Amalhanda, P.O. - Kolaghat, Dist. - Purba Medinipur, PIN – 721134. Phone – (033) 2340 3776 |
Purba Medinipur |
Electrical Engineering (Industrial Control) and Electrical Power System
- |
- |
68 |
Baghmundi Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Baghmundi, P.O.- Pathardih, P.S.-Baghmundi, Dist.-Purulia, PIN-723152. |
Purulia |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
69 |
Bundwan Polytechnic (Govt.) Madhupur, P.O.-Jitan, Dist.-Purulia, PIN- 723129. Phone - (033) 2340 3774 |
Purulia |
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
Available |
70 |
Purulia Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Vivekananda Nagar, Dist.- Purulia, PIN – 723147. Phone - (03252) 246198 |
Purulia |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
71 |
Raghunathpur Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Sarbarimore, P.O.- Neturia, Dist.- Purulia, PIN - 723121. Phone – (033) 2340 3763 |
Purulia |
Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
72 |
Islampur Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Barhat, P.O.- Islampur, Dist.- Uttar Dinajpur, PIN – 733 207. Phone-- 03526-256171 |
Uttar Dinajpur |
Electrical Engg., Survey Engg. and Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
- |
- |
73 |
Itahar Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Sohair, Itahar, Dist.- Uttar Dinajpur, PIN – 733128. |
Uttar Dinajpur |
Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
74 |
Raiganj Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O. - Raiganj, Dist. - Uttar Dinajpur, PIN-733134. Phone - (03523) 242410 |
Uttar Dinajpur |
Automobile, Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
75 |
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (MHRD) Narayanpur, Dist.- Malda, PIN - 732141. Phone – (03512) 221130 |
Malda |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Food Processing Technology |
- |
- |
List of Self-Financed Diploma in Engineering / Technology /Architecture Institutes |
76 |
AMS College of Polytechnic (Private) Rangapur, PO-Nilgunj Bazar, Barasat, Kolkata- 700121. Phone – 8981088645 / 7044776325 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
- |
- |
77 |
Camellia Institute of Technology (Private) Digberia, Badu Road, Madhyamgram, Kolkata- 700128. Phone - (033) 2526 0337 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
78 |
Camellia School of Engineering & Technology (Pvt.) Nadibhag, P.O.-Kazipara, Barasat, Kolkata-700124. Phone - (033) 25844536 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
79 |
Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology and Sports Complex (Private) 540, Dum Dum Road, Surermath, Kolkata-700074. Phone - (033) 2560-3889 / 3898, 8902496652 / 9073322508 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Automobile and Civil Engineering |
Available |
Available |
80 |
Elitte Institute of Engineering & Management (Private) P.O.-Karnamadhavpur (Sodepur), P.S.-Ghola, Kolkata-700113. Phone-(033) 2595-6125/26 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
81 |
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology (Private), 157/F, Nilgunj Road, Sodepur, Panihati, Kolkata – 700114. Phone - (033) 25233900, 25637929 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Available |
Available |
82 |
Kingston Polytechnic College (Private) Berunanpukuria, P.O.-Malikapur, Barasat, Dist.- North 24 Parganas, Pin-700126, Phone - (033) 2538-9508 / 2542-9800 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
83 |
Narula Institute of Technology (Private) 81, Nilgunj Road, Agarpara, Kolkata -700109. Phone - (033) 25638888 / 8902496651 / 6291977702 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
84 |
Regent Education & Research Foundation Group of Institutions (Private) Bara Kanthalia, Barrackpore, P.O.-Sewli Telinipara, P.S.-Titagarh, Dist.-North 24 Parganas, PIN–700121. Phone - (033) 30085433, 9836816130, 9007231000 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil and Electrical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
85 |
Regent Institute of Science & Technology (Private) Bara Kanthlia, Barrackpore, PS- Sewli, Telinipara, P.S.-Titagarh, Dist.-North 24 Parganas, PIN–700121. Phone: (033)-3008-5444 / 5433 / 5434, 9836816130, 8584854954 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology
Available |
Available |
86 |
SCM Institute of Engineering & Technology (Private) Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue (VIP Road), Kaikhali, P.O.- Calcutta Airport, Kolkata - 700 052 Phone - (033) 2525- 0116/2271/3144 (Extn. 202/204/210) |
24 Parganas (North) |
Automobile Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
87 |
St. Mary’s Technical Campus Kolkata (Private) Saibona V illage, P . O .- M al i k a p u r , N ea r – W . B. S. U . , Barasat, Kolkata- 700126. Phone – 9123320592, 6300490445 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering and Web Designing |
Available |
Available |
88 |
Techno Main Salt Lake (Private) (Formerly Techno Main Polytechnic Salt Lake) EM-4/1, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Dist.- North 24-Parganas, PIN – 700091. Phone - 7003455596, 6290762366, 9831246041 |
24 Parganas (North) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Communication Engineering
Available |
Available |
89 |
Budge Budge Institute of Technology (Private) Nischintapur, Budge Budge, Dist.- South 24 Parganas, PIN-700137. Phone - (033) 2482-0670 / 76, 8276828084, 9831222519, 9836888444 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
90 |
Chanakya Institute of Technology and Management, Ullon, P.O. – Ramlochanpur, P.S. & Block – Mandir Bazar, Sub-Division – Diamond Harbour, Dist. – South 24 Parganas, PIN – 743336. Phone- 9735706439 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
91 |
Greater Kolkata College of Engineering & Management (J.V.) (Private) Dudhnai, Ramnagar-II, Baruipur, Dist.- South 24 Parganas, PIN-743387. |
24 Parganas (South) |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
92 |
JLD College of Engineering & Management (Private) Ramdhari, Belegachi Gram Panchayat, P.O.-Doltala Ghola, P.S.- Baruipur, Dist.-South 24 Parganas, PIN-743376 Phone - (033) 24816491, 9831220905, 9836646291 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
93 |
Netaji Subhash Engineering College (Private) Techno City, (Near Garia Railway Station), Garia, Kolkata-700152. Phone-(033) 2436-1285 / 3333, 9831059682 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Electrical Engineering |
- |
- |
94 |
Pailan Technical Campus (Private) Bengal Pailan Park, Phase-II, Amgachia Road, Joka, Kolkata-700104. Phone – 9830800310, 9007458919, 033-24535605 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Available |
Available |
95 |
Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Science & Technology (Private) Dakshin Gobindapur, P.S.-Sonarpur, Kolkata-700145. Phone - (033) 2437-9913, 8335043359 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Architecture, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
96 |
South Calcutta Polytechnic (Private) Sitakundu Main Road, Atghara, Baruipur, Kolkata - 700144. Phone – (033)-2423-3050, 9903012034, 8981490232, 9477537851 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
- |
97 |
Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science & Technology (Private) Dakshin Gobindapur, P.S.-Sonarpur, Kolkata-700145. Phone - (033) 2437-9913, 8902694699 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Computer Science & Technology and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
98 |
Techno International Batanagar (Private) B7-360/ New, Ward No. 30, Maheshtala, Kolkata – 700141. Phone - (033) 2490-5050 / 9830066214 / 9830025810 |
24 Parganas (South) |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
99 |
Bishnupur Public Institute of Engineering (Private) Siromonipur, P.O. & P.S.- Bishnupur, Dist – Bankura, PIN - 722 122. Phone - (03244) 256787 / 9434008788 / 9434101473 |
Bankura |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
100 |
Mallabhum Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Braja Radha Nagar, P.O.- Gosaipur, Dist- Bankura, PIN - 722122. Phone – 9434855129 / 9800848382 / 8372920023 |
Bankura |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
101 |
ABS Academy of Polytechnic (Private) J.P. Avenue, Sagarbhanga, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713211, Phone- (0343) 2550697, 9434789201 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Mining Engineering |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
102 |
Asansol Institute of Engineering & Management – Polytechnic (Private) Bagbandi Road, P.O.- Kalipahari, Asansol, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN – 713339. Phone – (0341) 6610-300 / 306 / 303, 8001500263 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Mining Engineering |
Available |
Available |
103 |
Bengal College of Polytechnic (Private) SSB Sarani, Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN -713212. Phone – (0343) 253-2206 / 8170021126 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
104 |
Dr. B. C. Roy Polytechnic (Private) Dr. Meghnad Saha Sarani, Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN – 713206. Phone - 7586023555 / 7477788551 / 7477788552 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
105 |
Durgapur Institute of Polytechnic (Private) G.T. Road, Rajbandh, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN - 713212. Phone – 7797660066, 9593017111 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
106 |
Durgapur Polytechnic College (Private) Surya Sen Sarani, City Centre, Phase-II, Near Gandhi More, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN -713208. Phone- (0343) 254-3388 / 7699999906 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering |
Available |
Available |
107 |
Luthfaa Polytechnic Institute (Private) Shibpur Road, P.O.- Molandighi, P.S.- Kanksa, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN - 713212. |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
108 |
NSHM Knoldge Campus (Private) Arrah, Shibtala, Durgapur, PS-Kanksa, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713212. Phone- (0343) 2533813 / 4 / 5 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
109 |
Rajendranath College of Polytechnic (Private) Gopalpur, via-Arrah Shibtala, PS-Kanksa, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713212. Phone - (0343) 253-8469 / 9800295866 / 9800361966 / 7797666622 / 7797552266 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
110 |
Santiniketan Polytechnic (Private) Nachan Road, P.O.- Kamalpur, P.S.- Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN – 713204. Phone: 7430960994 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
111 |
Swami Vivekananda School of Diploma (Private) Malandighi, PS-Kanksa, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713212. Phone-(0343) 2700083/84/85, 8348486328, 8373065631 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
112 |
Techno Polytechnic Durgapur (Private) Behind BDO Office, Kanksa Block, P.O.- Panagarh Bazar, Dist- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713148. Phone – 9126661234 / 8597579319 / 8597579326 / 9903038112 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
113 |
The New Horizons Institute of Technology (Private) Phase-II, City Centre, South G.T. Road, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN - 713208. Phone - (0343) 2542103 / 2 / 6 |
Bardhaman (Paschim) |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
114 |
Camellia Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Budbud Bypass (North), NH - 2, P.S. - Budbud, Dist.- Purba Barddhaman, PIN – 713403. Phone – 9007030116 / 9007030135 |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
115 |
Gobindapur Sephali Memorial Polytechnic (Private) Vill.-Gobindapur, (Near Guskara), P.O.- Keleti, P.S.- Aushgram, Dist - Purba Bardhaman, PIN -713128. |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
116 |
Kanad Institute of Engineering & Management (Private) Vill. + P.O.: Mankar, Block: Galsi-I, P.S.- Budbud, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN -713144. Phone – 9434667300 / 9647500355 / 9647500156 / 8900455313 |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
117 |
N. S. Polytechnic College (Private) Chandipur, P.O.- Abhirampur, P.S.- Aushgram, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN – 713144. Phone- 9434949610 / 9434942230 |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Survey Engineering |
Available |
Available |
118 |
Sylvan Polytechnic College (Private) (Near Gangpur Railway Station), Vill. & P.O.- Joteram, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN-713104. Phone – 8167584902 / 8167584904 |
Bardhaman (Purba) |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
119 |
Basantika Institute of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic) (Private) P.O.- Ganpur, P.S.- Md. Bazar, Birbhum – 731216. Phone- 9475366441 / 9434004063 |
Birbhum |
Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology. |
Available |
Available |
120 |
Bengal Institute of Polytechnic (Private) (Between Dubrajpur Power House More & Brakreswar Thermal Power Plant), Vill.-Sagar, P.O.- Hetampur, Dist – Birbhum, PIN – 731124. Phone - 8001807884 / 9434560507 / 8145569481 |
Birbhum |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
121 |
Bengal Institute of Technology & Management, Santiniketan (Private) Sriniketan Bypass, P.O.- Doranda, P.S.- Ilambazar, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN-731236. Phone - 9007030162 / 9007030142 / 9331407232 |
Birbhum |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
122 |
HSB Polytechnic (Private) PO & PS – Suri, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN-731103. Phone: 9732114917 / 7001780368 |
Birbhum |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
123 |
L C G Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Vill.- Lambodarpur, P.O.- Suri, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731101. Phone: 9475887799 / 9434221099 / 7479043848 |
Birbhum |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
124 |
Santiniketan Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Vill.- Tatarpur, P.O.- Muluk (Bolpur), Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731204. Phone- (03463) 221078 / 9475103966 |
Birbhum |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Survey Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
125 |
Siliguri Institute of Technology Diploma College, S.I.T Campus, Salbari, P.O.: Sukna, Dist.- Darjeeling, PIN – 734009. Phone - 0353-2778002. |
Darjeeling |
Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
126 |
Camellia Institute of Technology & Management (Pvt.) Halder Dighi, G.T. Road, P.O.- Bainchi, Dist.- Hooghly, PIN - 712134. Phone - 9007030121 / 9007030180 / 9932681540 |
Hooghly |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
127 |
Elite Polytechnic Institute (Private) STKK Link Road, Mogra, (Near 13 No. Rail Gate), Dist. – Hooghly, PIN-712148, Phone – 7603079933 / 9831111070 |
Hooghly |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
- |
128 |
KPS Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Feeder Road, P.O.-Belmuri, Near Dhaniakhali Halt Station (Howrah - Burdwan Cord Line), Dist. - Hooghly, PIN-712302. Phone – (03213) 240444, 8336969869 / 70 |
Hooghly |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
129 |
Modern Institute of Engineering & Technology (Private) NH-2, Barol-Malimpur, Rajhat, Bandel, Dist.- Hooghly, PIN – 712123. |
Hooghly |
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
130 |
Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology (Private) Roy Para, P.O.- Guptipara, Dist. – Hooghly, PIN – 712512. Phone - (03213) 262201, 9732510467, 9836260625 |
Hooghly |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
131 |
Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions 1, Khan Road, P.O.- Mankundu, (Private) Near Mankundu Rly. Station (Burdwan Main Line), Di st.-Hooghly, PIN-712139. Phone – (033) 2683 1141 / 9007845717 / 8777370495 / 7001785626 |
Hooghly |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
132 |
Technique Polytechnic Institute (Private) Vill.- Panchrokhi, P.O.- Sugandhya, Dist. - Hooghly, PIN - 712102. (Near Hooghly Rly. Station of Howrah–Bandel main line), Phone – 9830482096 / 9674982097 |
Hooghly |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Survey Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology.
# All Courses except Survery Engineering are accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and valid upto 30/06/2023. Incase of Survey Engineering valid upto 30/06/2020. |
Available |
Available |
133 |
Calcutta Institute of Technology (Private) Banitala, Uluberia, Dist.- Howrah, PIN- 711316. Phone - 8335069571 / 8335069561 |
Howrah |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
134 |
Ramakrishna Mission Shilpamandira (Private) 208, G. T. Road, P.O.- Belur Math, [only for Boys] Dist- Howrah, PIN–711202. Phone - (033) 2654-9381 |
Howrah |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
- |
- |
135 |
IMPS Polytechnic College, Jalpaiguri (Private) Chewara Para (Near Rani Nagar BSF Camp), Post.- Patkata, P.S.- Kotwali, Dist.-Jalpaiguri, PIN- 735133. Phone – (03561) 250025 |
Jalpaiguri |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
136 |
Bcare Institute of Management & Technology (P) (Pvt.) Vill.-Amar, P.O.- Kanfala, P.S.- Nabagram, Dist.- Murshidabad PIN-742184. Phone - 9434378267, 08967158821 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
137 |
Berhampore Polytechnic College (Private) 3/20, Girijapara Lane, P.O.- Khagra, P.S.- Berhampore, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN – 742103. Phone: (03482) 290064 / 9434071442 / 9564278977 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
138 |
Discovery Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Narasinghapur, P.O.- Sagarpara, P.S.- Jalangi, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN-742306. Phone - 8768109517 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
139 |
Dumkal Polytechnic (Private) P.O. - Basantapur, Dumkal, Dist. - Murshidabad, PIN - 742 406. Phone - (03481) 231189 / 230899, 9734369670 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
140 |
Gobindapur Polytechnic College (Private) Vill.-Gobindapur, PO-Juginda, PS- Dumkal, Dist.-Murshidabad, PIN-742406. Phone- 9932509616 / 9734020852 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
141 |
Jakir Hossain Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Vill.- Hapania, P.O.- Dafahat, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN-742224. Phone- 9647543991 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
142 |
Minerva Polytechnic (Private) Vill. & P.O. - Amritakundu, P.S.- Nabagram, Dist - Murshidabad, PIN-742136. Phone – 8906374869 / 9233801979 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
143 |
Nibedita Institute of Technology (Private) Vill.-Narasinghapur, P.O.- Sagarpara, P.S. – Jalangi, Dist - Murshidabad, PIN-742306. Phone – 9732547799 / 9732566395 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Information Technology and Electronics&Telecommunication Engg. |
Available |
Available |
144 |
Nibedita Polytechnic (Private) Bagmara, PO - Dakshin Paraspur, P.S.-Jalangi, Dist.-Murshidabad, PIN-742305. Phone- 9732549736 / 9775274032 |
Murshidabad |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
145 |
Paradise Institute of Technology (Private) Narasinghapur, P.O.- Sagarpara, P.S.- Jalangi, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN -742306 Phone – 7001784270 |
Murshidabad |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
146 |
RPBM Jiaganj College of Engineering & Technology (Private) Hatibagan, P.O. & P.S.-Jiaganj, Dist. - Murshidabad PIN - 742123. Phone - (03483) 256135 / 256917 |
Murshidabad |
Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Available |
Available |
147 |
Global Institute of Management & Technology (Private) Palpara, Bhatjangla, P.S.- Kotwali, Dist- Nadia, PIN-741102, Phone – 7407588881, 7407588883 |
Nadia |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
Available |
148 |
JIS College of Engineering (Private) Block-A, Phase-III, Kalyani, Dist. – Nadia, PIN - 741235. Phone – (033) 25808640 / 9432011490 |
Nadia |
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
# Courses are accredited by National Board of Accreditation |
Available |
Available |
149 |
JIS School of Polytechnic (Private) Block-A, Phase III, Kalyani, Dist.- Nadia, PIN – 741235. Phone- (033) 2502-5690, 9331801304, 8240766831 |
Nadia |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
150 |
Institute of Science & Technology (Private) Chandrakona Town, Dist.- Paschim Medinipore, PIN-721201. Phone - 9083265511, 9083265521, 9083265522 |
Paschim Medinipur |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
Available |
Available |
Sl. No. |
Name & Address of the Polytechnics |
District |
Courses offered |
Hostel Facility |
Boys |
Girls |
151 |
Salbani Institute of Technology (Private) Vill.- Bankibandh, P.O.- Sayedpur, P.S. - Salbani, Dist.-Paschim Medlnipur, PIN -721147. Phone – 9830022065 / 9933010232 / 7980752602 |
Paschim Medinipur |
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Available |
- |
152 |
Global Institute of Science & Technology (Private) ICARE Complex, P.O.- Hatiberia, Haldia, Dist.- Purba Medinipur, PIN-721657. Phone - (03224) 255953 / 255951 / 255219, 9434258997 |
Purba Medinipur |
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology |
- |
Available |
বিস্তারিত সিলেবাস
Mathematics : Real Numbers, Laws of Indices, Graph, Co-ordinate Geometry - Distance Formula,
Linear Simultaneous Equations, Properties of Parallelogram, Polynomial, Factorisation, Transversal &
Mid-Point Theorem, Profit & Loss, Statistics, Theorems on Area, Construction of a Parallelogram whose
measurement of one angle is given and equal in area of a Triangle, Construction of a Triangle equal in
area of a quadrilateral, Area & Perimeter of Triangle & Quadrilateral shaped region, Circumference of
Circle, Theorems on concurrence, Area of circular region, Co-ordinate Geometry - Internal and External
Division of Straight Line Segment, Co-ordinate Geometry - Area of Triangular Region, Logarithm.
Quadratic Equations with one variable, Simple Interest, Theorems related to circle, Rectangular
Parallelopiped or Cuboid, Ratio and Proportion, Compound Interest and Uniform Rate of Increase or
Decrease, Theorems related to Angles in a Circle, Right Circular Cylinder, Quadratic Surd, Theorems
related to Cyclic Quadrilateral, Construction of circumcircle and incircle of a triangle, Sphere, Variation,
Partnership Business, Theorems related to Tangent to a Circle, Right Circular Cone, Similarity,
Construction of tangent to a circle, Real life Problems related to different Solid Objects, Trigonometry -
Concept of Measurement of Angle, Construction - Determination of Mean Proportional, Pythagoras
Theorem, Trigonometric Ratios and Trigonometric Identities, Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary
angle, Application of Trigonometric Ratios - Heights & Distances, Statistics - Mean, Median, Ogive, Mode
and Numerical Aptitude.
Physical Science : Measurement, Force & Motion, Atomic Structure, Mole Concept, Matter - Structure
and Properties, Solution, Acids, Bases & Salts, Work, Power & Energy, Sound, Heat, Separation of
Components of Mixtures, Water.
Concerns about our Environment, Behaviour of Gases, Light, Periodic Table and Periodicity of the
Properties of Elements, Ionic and Covalent Bonding, Chemical Calculations, Thermal Phenomena,
Current Electricity, Electricity and Chemical Reactions, Inorganic Chemistry in the Laboratory and in
Industry, Metallurgy, Atomic Nucleus, Organic Chemistry and General Awareness.
এই বিষয়ে আরও বিস্তারিত তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটে।